About Us
Here at dclerk our primary mission is to provide powerful domains to entrepreneurs who will use them. With the ubiquity of online businesses, many meaningful domain names are no longer available, and businesses are having to opt into less valuable extensions and forgo getting a strong .com address. As long time domain holders we want to make it easier for internet real estate owners to sell their addresses. Since we can operate at much lower commissions than larger platforms we pass on these savings to the new owner.
We ultimately want to see the amazing ideas that can be built on the internet. While the only option thirty years ago may have been brick and mortar, many businesses now find more success on the internet. An extremely crucial aspect of that success is their address, their internet real estate. Even as a small platform, we hope to encourage innovation online and provide addresses that will allow entrepreneurs to take their businesses to the next level. We look forward to seeing what you can do with the right domain, and we hope that dclerk can be a part of your success.